Erection ’08: VOTE AT ALL COSTS

Election ’08! Oh the memories… the joys, the hopes, the heartache, the heartburn, the upset stomach, the dry heaves, the constipation and migraines… thank goodness it’s almost over!
TODAY IS ELECTION DAY so go wipe off your hand and get out there and vote! Harass your friends, family, and co-workers to do the same. Here are a couple of useful links to make sure your Election Day is a good one.
– If you’re not sure where to vote, find your polling place with the Google Voting Map.
– Know your rights regarding time off to vote. The link above has all sorts of helpful legal backup you can print and leave on your boss’ desk.
Here’s a handy Voting preparation checklist. Here’s a few reminders:

  • DON’T wear any campaign gear (buttons or shirts)! You’re not allowed to campaign 100 feet from the polling place.
  • Bring a snack, water and maybe a chair, jacket, and umbrella in case of long lines.
  • Bring a camera to immortalize the historic event or to capture any shady shenanigans.
  • If you see any weird, discomfiting, or questionably illegal going on, call Election Protection at 1-866-OUR-VOTE.
  • Learn ways to report election fraud at this link.

– If you are told you cannot vote for any reason, demand a provisional ballot, and contact the Election Protection Coalition at 1-866-OUR-VOTE.
– If you are transgender, brush up on transgender voting rights.
– Brush up on new voter laws in different states
– Please stand in line to vote for as long as it takes.
– Encourage others to vote and to report election fraud.
Thanks from Team Orange! There’s two instructional videos about voter fraud after the jump.

A video on common election day tricks from the Obama campaign.

A video imploring you to wait as long as it takes to vote. It could all come down to your city, county, or state.

Nov 04, 2008 By paperbagwriter 2 Comments