Wednesday Wrasslin’ Round-Up: Alex Wright

Wednesday Wrasslin' Round-Up: Alex Wright
Alex Wright (aka The Wunderkind) is an agile blonde wrestler from Germany who started off as a World Championship Wrestling superstar. He eventually turned into a jobber and his career ended on a down note, but in his heyday, Alex’s high-energy and high-flying moves were a pleasure to behold. In this week’s Round-Up, we feature four Alex Wright matches for you to enjoy him at his best and worst.

ROUND ONE: Alex Wright versus Jean Paul Levesque (part 1): Go ahead and skip to where the action starts at 3:30. Pony-tailed pretty man Jean Paul pinches Alex’s cheeks and bows to him in mock deference. The back and forth between these men is kinda lethargic, except for the instances when Jean Paul flips Alex Wright or around 7:22 when Alex begins to repeatedly puts Jean Paul head scissors that show off Alex’s ass. At 9:00, Jean Paul springs loose and begins to stomp Wright flat—delicious!

ROUND ONE: Alex Wright versus Jean Paul Levesque (part 2): Jean Paul really got the lead out at the end of Part One. And in Part Two, he really keeps packing on the punishment. But the real question is, can he keep it up to secure a victory?

ROUND TWO: Alex Wright versus Lord Steven Regal: Though initially cautious, Lord Steven Regal is known for being a vicious heel who really digs in once he weakens an opponent. Sadly, over the commercial break, Regal does something to Wright’s wrist, but at least we have the benfit of watching the men beat the snot out of each other in their trunks. Around 3:10, Regal starts the ear boxing and he really keeps on top of Wright for the next few minutes. It’s hot watching these two differently aged competitors really sweat and work it out on each other. Regal’s brute roughness versus Wright’s graceful acrobatics… which will win out?
Three more hot fucking matches after the jump!

ROUND THREE: Alex Wright versus Disco Inferno: Though they’d later become tag-team partners, Alex Wright and Disco Inferno were once regular opponents. Inferno is a smooth, muscular Italianesque wrestler with a beautiful body, a buff chest, a bubble butt, and a delicious cock visible through his white tights. The two men are evenly matched, but which of the feature tag team members will end up on top? Watch and see…

ROUND FOUR: Alex Wright versus Billy Kidman: Billy Kidman is a pretty good match for Alex Wright. And because he’s handsome, he’s a pretty good match for us too. Billy Kidman makes Wright work for what he thought would be an easy victory. Wright may make one cocky mistake too many to beat Kidman, but there will be lots of eye and groin-popping high flying moves in between.

ROUND FIVE: Alex Wright versus Dean Malenko: Sweet Jesus! “The Man of a Thousand Holds” Dean Malenko is a muscular little piece of man meat and he really kicks Alex Wright’s ass in this rough and tumble match. He begins to punish Wright’s knee around the 3:20 mark and he doesn’t relent as he puts Wright in move after move, hold after hold. One could spend the entire match just looking at Malenko’s ass and thinking of the thick cock he’s probably got under those tight trunks. Wright pulls an awesome top rope throw at 6:00… Wright could pull a stunning upset!

Nov 13, 2008 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!