Men! Men! Men! At Sticky

Men! Men! Men! At Sticky
QueerClick’s where you go to get your fill of the hottest and latest studs from professional and amateur studios. And Sticky’s where you go to get your fill of the hottest and latest bits of media about famous and obscure things. Sticky’s got men too! Loads of men. In fact, here are six stickies posted this week in which men play a major role!
Hotness in the Harbor – Check out all the hot action of what happens when 500 gay guys take over an island in the middle of Sydney Harbour.
Christmas Creeps – 8 Truly strange Christmas customs.
Hungarian Heartbreak – Hungarian Courts look set to ban gay marriages
Man For Sale – A musician fed up with his life was today barred from selling his soul to the highest bidder.
Hugh is HUGE!!! – Hugh Jackman is just too hot in this just-released trailer for Wolverine.
Ho, Ho, Hos – Boston’s annual Santa Speedo Run with lots of great photos at Bostonist.
For men, malarky, and more, check out Sticky and join in the fun!

Dec 17, 2008 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!