Dirty Dancer John Byrne On GuysWithiPhones.com

John Byrne On GuysWithiPhones.com
Amid all the excitement with Michael Stipe and Georgia’s other gay indie rockers at GuysWithiPhones.com, we found other “celebrity” over there (to use the term loosely)—John Byrne.
According to Gay Porn Blog, “John Byrne, the host of the Dirty Dancing Official Dance Workout (which angry Tween reviewers on Amazon lament for being ‘nothing like the movie’ and ‘very cheesy.’ It sounds totally dumb, but the workout obviously works as Mr. Byrne looks pretty darned hot.

He’s pretty darned cute, eh (even if he does have gay dancer face)? Looks like GuysWithiPhones is the place for gay celebs to get some exposure. We’re big fans and noticed that they just added a Hall of Fame with their hottest men and celebrity shots—fun!

Jul 17, 2009 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!