Manhunt Buys Crappy Gay Social Networking Site, D-List—You Should Join QueerClique Instead.

Manhunt Buys Crappy Gay Social Networking Site, D-List
When D-List first came out, a lot of gay guys creamed their pants over how it was gonna be the gay MySpace… a classier way to meet gays than on Manhunt. D-List did turn into a gay MySpace, which wasn’t a good thing—have you been on MySpace recently? It’s run entirely by spambot hookers and glitter art.
D-List never really caught on because it was just another social networking site to have to fuck around with, nowhere near as gratifying as Manhunt, neither as fun nor as interactive as Facebook, and certainly nowhere near as social as MySpace. At least your ex-classmates were on MySpace trying to figure out if you ever came out. D-List was just a badly designed and slow-loading site with bunch of random gay hipsters you’d either never met, never cared to meet, you wanted to sleep with, or you once slept with but wished never to see again.
Well according to Joe.My.God. Manhunt has bought D-List with hopes of re-making the site into something gay men might actually want to use. Here’s a clip from their press release:

Jonathan Crutchley, Chairman at Online Buddies Inc., the parent company of Manhunt, announced today that the company has acquired a majority stake in the leading social networking site for gay men under age 30, As part of the deal, Online Buddies will take over all marketing efforts for Online Buddies CEO, Adam Segel, and CFO, Richard Scott, will be appointed to in their respective roles. founder Todd Sowers, recently named Chief Marketing Officer at Online Buddies, retains a minority partnership in and will be appointed Chief Operations Officer of where he will continue to oversee the daily operations of the site.

Bo-ring. If you remember, Mr. Crutchley gave $2,300 to anti-gay Republican presidential candidate McCain, a donation that was supposedly returned. He then resigned from Manhunt’s board of directors in a meaningless show of PR damage control. But if the old guy can transform D-List into something as simple, quick, and slutty as Manhunt, he may win a new generation of fans. If not though, it’ll be another PR failure for King of Online Cruising.
But we say forget all your other social networking sites and just join QueerClique. It’s got the two things you’re really after—horny gay men and porn. It’s quick loading, user-friendly and will help you get off, whether that means arranging a hookup, cruising private pics, or wanking off to the latest member vids. It’s fun, free, and you’ll never have to worry about spambots, ex-classmates, or Republicans.

Oct 06, 2009 By paperbagwriter 4 Comments