QCA Music Quickie: Fully Sick Rapper’s Quarantine

They say laughter’s the best medicine (cliches are hawt!) but sometimes it’s the only thing separating you from the looney bin. Take the Fully Sick Rapper for example. He’s got tuberculosis, which sucks balls (and not in a good way). It’s contagious and could kill you, so the poor guy’s been put in quarantine for a long time and he made a video about it (above). Here’s what he says about it on his YouTube page:

I was eventually let out of hospital on the 2nd Jan, but then brought back in on the 18th Jan and diagnosed with a more serious form of TB… As a result, I have been back in quarantine since the 18th Jan, and all up now I have spent 55 days on the inside of a single room in hospital… This is starting to take it’s toll on my mental stability, and this song is about the impact (or lack thereof) it has had so far.

Even though the bloke’s sick, he’s still got a sense of humor and there’s nothing more attractive than that. Unless you count exercising shirtless, masticating to porn, and busting out sweet rhymes, in which case, HE DOES THAT TOO! We kinda fell in love with him after seeing this video and he hopes you like it as well:

I am trying my best to be creative in a time that has been pretty hard on me, and this is a way to share it with people… Please don’t cyber-bully me. I’ve read stories about that, and it sounds really horrible. The way you can’t escape it because it’s online. If you ARE a cyber-bully, and were thinking of Cyber-bullying me, then discretely send me your bank details and I’ll wire you some of my lunch money… That way everybody wins. I don’t look like a push over, and you get your lunch money… I’ve got street credibility to uphold within the hip hop.

Get well soon, Fully Sick Rapper!
Thanks to Towleroad for the tip!

Feb 27, 2010 By paperbagwriter 4 Comments