Who Wants To See 50 Male Celebs Cumming On Film?

After the jump we not only have shots of famed porn site owner and Dustin Hoffman lover Jason Bateman naked, but we also let you see fifty famous celebs climaxing. Best post ever? Yes.

Apparently Bateman’s movie involves him switching bodies with another guy and wouldn’t we love to be the guy who gets into Master Bateman’s bod? We’d do all sorts of freaky shit to it. Loving, sensuous, horrible freaky shit.
Anyway, as promised here’s a link to a video featuring fifty male celebs cumming in their cinematic films. It includes Jim Carrey, Ben Stiller, Tom Hanks, Nicholas Cage, Matthew Broderick, Eddie Murphy, and others. It’ll either turn you on, creep you out, or remind you that you’d rather be having actual sex than seeing a bunch of actors fake it.
And for naked sexy celebs check out Cinemale and Male Celebrities.

Apr 22, 2011 By paperbagwriter 4 Comments