The Inspiring True Story of Ryan Gosling and His Pecs

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In a moment of late-breaking and wildly important journalism, Ryan Gosling has finally gone on record about one of the most crucial topics of our modern era: his pecs. We’ve all done our fair share of staring and now the star finally breaks the silence. In an interview, he tells the Herald Sun, “My pecs are like pets.”


Anyone can get those (pecs) if they work at it. It’s just a lot of exercising. And it’s really quite pointless, because you go to a gym and you lift a heavy thing so a muscle grows, but the only thing the muscle can actually do is to lift that heavy thing.

After a while they’re like pets because they don’t do anything useful. But you have to feed them and take care of them otherwise they’ll go away. I feel a bit goofy having them, to tell you the truth.”

In honor of Ryan Gosling’s pecs, we’re declaring today a holiday. Mark your calender, folks, today is officially International Titty Fuck Ryan Gosling Day. I’m imagining t-shirts and bumper stickers and Facebook statuses. Have you titty fucked Mr. Gosling yet today?

In honor of this inaugural holiday, QueerClick presents an abridged genealogy of Ryan Gosling’s tits.


And, what the hell, here are some more pictures to get you through the day. Don’t say we never gave you anything. Merry Titty Fuck Ryan Gosling Day, everyone!



Jan 18, 2013 By will 12 Comments