New Year’s Resolution: Workout!

The month since Thanksgiving has been a land slide of bad habits. We’ve been eating more, drinking more and well just sitting way too much in front of QueerClick’s sugary sweet porn cavalcade. It’s time to break some old habits and get into shape!
But who wants to join some crowded gym with New Year’s hopefuls like us that will drop out by January 31st? Not me. Been there, done that in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.
This year is going to be different! I am going to spend my January working out with videos I find on the Internet. And I can’t think of a better person to start improving my body with than Pavel Patel:

And for a more advanced routine, we suggest moving directly into the 2013 hit that everyone will remember, the upside down twerk (which after awhile looks like a headless chicken when Pavel does it! Am I wrong!?)

Jan 02, 2014 By redmonkey Write a comment!