Tom Hetherington, From The Great British Bake Off, Alleged Dick Pics Hit! – Do You Think It’s Him?

Tom Hetherington, From The Great British Bake Off, Alleged Dick Pics Hit! - Do You Think It's Him?

Can you smell what’s cooking?

Tom Hetherington is an accomplished baking enthusiast from Edinburgh who entered the series 8 of “The Great British Bake Off” this very same year. Despite his popularity Hetherington, who is also an amateur Rugby player, didn’t win his season. Sadly a failed “Hummingbird cake” left him out of the competition. But if you still miss him and you have a sweet tooth chances are that there’s an unexpected well-baked pastry waiting for you.

Tom, who’s openly gay and a professional architect, has vehemently denied on the record that the leaked set of dick pics belong to him. We don’t want to contradict him in anyway but since it’s relevant “cock exposed” news it is our duty to report on the story despite that. Needless to say you need to take this all with a massive pinch of salt. Once these kind of stories are out the halo of suspicious always keeps floating around like the aroma of a freshly baked cake. That’s why we’re leaving the final judgement in the hands of our readers. Do you believe the denial or the wishful thinking of this mouth-watering English exposed sweet treat?

Make the jump to see more of Tom Hetherington. What’s your take on this story? We look forward to read your thoughts in the comments!

Tom Hetherington, From The Great British Bake Off, Alleged Dick Pics Hit! - Do You Think It's Him?Tom Hetherington, From The Great British Bake Off, Alleged Dick Pics Hit! - Do You Think It's Him?Tom Hetherington, From The Great British Bake Off, Alleged Dick Pics Hit! - Do You Think It's Him?
h/t: OMGblog

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Dec 12, 2017 By G. 2 Comments