Chinpoko Poll: How Much Porn Do You Watch In A Week?

Heya QueerClickers! It’s me again, Chinpoko with another probing sex question!
Last time, I asked your favorite place to have sex, and 60 percent of you answered “in a bedroom.” Yaaaaaaawwwwwn… zzzzzzzz. Huh? Oh sorry, I must’ve fallen asleep from BOREDOM, hee hee! Just kidding.
I prefer bedrooms too, but you may be interested to know that the two most popular choices after bedrooms were the outdoors and underwater — looks like we’ve got some mermen here at QueerClick… I do love chicken of the sea… or would that be DICKen of the sea?
Anyway, have you seen this German study that’s been going around about how porn rots your brain? Okay, it doesn’t say that exactly, but here’s a snippet of what it does day:

For the study [they]… recruited 64 healthy men between the ages of 21 and 45 years and asked them questions about their porn-watching habits. They also took images of the men’s brains to measure volume and to see how their brains reacted to pornographic pictures.

“We found that the volume of the so-called striatum, a brain region that has been associated with reward processing and motivated behavior was smaller the more pornography consumption the participants reported,” [the researcher] said.
“Moreover we found that another brain region, that is also part of the striatum that is active when people see sexual stimuli, shows less activation the more pornography participants consumed,” she added.
What’s more, the researchers found that the connection between the striatum and prefrontal cortex, which is the outer layer of the brain associated with behavior and decision making, worsened with increased porn watching.
Because the study can’t prove that porn caused the changes to the brain, Kühn said it’s not possible to say whether watching porn is actually harmful.

It’s hard to believe that porn shrinks your brain. First off, what about porn’s complicated, mind-bending plots? Errr… okay, maybe not. But what about all those website passwords? Remembering all those has to strengthen your brain just a little bit… and the motor skills required for jacking off? Who did this study anyway — a bunch of Puritans??!
But worry not, QueerClickers! All hope is not lost…

As The Daily Dot points out, the study doesn’t actually prove that porn makes you stupid:

With such a small sample size, there is no way to determine that watching porn causes brain changes; just that there’s a correlation between brain size and hours of porn watched.

Prause says that even the correlation between decreased brain volume and porn consumption is suspect, because the study’s authors failed to control for other factors, such as alcohol consumption and depression, which would also lead to decreased grey volume in these specific regions of the brain.

Plus, having decreased brain activity in certain areas doesn’t mean that you’re stupid or broken, it just means your brain is differently shaped. Different shapes are okay when it comes to dicks, so why not brains?
Of course, we think that watching gay porn makes you smarter (which would explain all the mouth-breathing heterosexuals we know). But this study made me want to conduct a little study of my own. Will you become one of my willing subjects, BWA-HA-HAAAA!!!??
I wanna know how many hours of porn you watch in a week. I usually watch about eight hours a day, but I’m a penis who works for QueerClick — I mean, what else is a penis gonna do, right?
But how about you? Keep in mind, this is different from when I asked the maximum number of times you’ve ever cummed in a single day.
How many porn hours do you normally clock in for any given week? And do you feel it has made you smarter? Of course you do! After all, you’re at QueerClick, the smartest porn blogs in the galaxy!

Jun 06, 2014 By paperbagwriter 7 Comments