Top 10 QComments – Hater Edition

Top 10 QComments - Hater Edition
March has come upon us (aha) and Valentine’s is over. But the holiday of love certainly didn’t stop some of our readers from fighting like drunken cats! There must’ve been some Hater-ade in the water because as soon as our last Top 10 QComments went up, readers started hatin’—bad studio photography, spoiled ex-porn stars, ruined underwear, our QColumnist Steve Prince, and the size of your mother’s cock… you name it! If it came up, someone was someone itchin’ for a bitchin’. But don’t worry. We mixed in a little sugar with the lemons so it all goes down nice and easy (heh heh). Bottoms up!
You won't be saying that with her dick in your mouth
If you recall, our last Top 10 QComments featured quite the melee about a porn performer who came on a U.S. uniform. We had a smackdown between human who called the complaining military veteran Thomas a murderer and told him to “Shut the fuck up!” We also had TS Amandah present his idea that a man’s dick size comes from his mother’s genetic half (weird!). Shoco, had enough of this “scientific” theory and enough of human too:

What’s nice about the internet is that everyone are suddenly experts and biologisits about can say whatever the fuck they think they know. the gene of cock-size isn’t mother or father related, it’s random, depending on the specific sperm and egg that met to create life (whoops, now i’m the so-called expert. how hyporitical of me).

Ho, and speaking of which – sorry to stray from the world of porn and penis size for a real life, “boner killing” matter but – human really does demonstrate the problem with both US and western civilization. First, let’s understand one thing that is fundemental – an army is an organization (yes, in part fiscal) that’s sole purpose to demonstrate force and power. it serves as both a deter factor, and fighting force. but the most fundemental part of it is that it works for someone else, usually country, but in recent decades examples for terrorism.

And here’s the problem i was talking about in western culutre – you don’t really have any idea what it’s like when terror and war is forced upon you. you leave a causy, cushy life – you get up in the morning, you drink your coffee, you go to work or school or whatever, you spend your days worrying about silly problems. why? because some people choose a path that isn’t just about making rent at the end of the month. americans get to choose wheather they’re lives will be risk for the sake of others or by a papercut. being a pacifict is nothing short of ignoring the problem the threatens our everyday lives. be it actualy extreme muslim groups or even tribes in africa rebelding against the goverment etc.

Human – if you were opposed to the Iraq war (which i can understand), i hope you at least excersized your right to protest and be heard before the war started in stand of complaining about it now. not all war are justified, that’s true. leaders make mistakes, also true. but to eliminate the need of an army… well, in the hopes i make the next QComment round-up so everyone can here it, i’ll use your own words – “shut the fuck up”!

Damn, Shoco! He really came out swinging, not only against human, but also against anyone who bitches about the Iraq invasion but did nothing to stop it! We love Shoco, actually. He’s a smart and regular QCommenter who also had an awesome QComment on the post about John Mayer having sucked a dick about why sucking a dick is much harder to do, culturally speaking, than eating pussy—check it out.
loltoofunny also had a problem TS Amandah’s “mother’s dick theory”; namely, that if it were really true, his dick would be much bigger:

Okay, I don’t know the science behind the genetics and the correlation to dick size…. But I have three brothers. I’m not that endowed as they are. So what happened to the gene pool with me? One of those two I’m taller than, so go figure that one out as well. Ahem, your theory is absurd, just as much as the stereotype of racial identity and penis size. There are plenty of people with tiny dicks and large ones, which have nothing to do with race or genetics. It is a matter of growth development and hormones during onset of puberty. Some have growth spurts, and some don’t. I’m taller than my brother but smaller in the johnson. So really? Your ‘scientific’ analysis of penis size has faults. You are dumb.

Admittedly, we didn’t actually ask to see our mother’s dick before posting TS Amandah’s theory. We just report the QComments, we don’t always fact check ’em… what do you think this is, Dateline?

Can you spot the spot?
QCommenters can be harsh, though sometimes they rag on people’s appearances rather than their thoughts. Take William C. for instance. He didn’t think much of Straight Australian Guys Jacking Off’s scene with Zack. Why? You name it:

Zack’s wet look hairstyle reminds me of a chola w/too much product in her weave. Yes, this site’s Australian but there’s some American square-shaped, red state vibe oozing out of this trashy and boringly predatory scene. With the vacant eyes complete with acned face, it looks like how some young twink supports his meth habit by getting head from some desperate old queen. The supposed glory days of trade has lost its luster with this modern retelling. It’s youth to decay without maturity in the middle.

Every bit of his QComment drips with scorn and pathos. We don’t like to speculate about any model’s drug-use, but chola hairstyles?!! Tee-hee! We love it! Likewise, rob had an issue with Randy Blue’s Chip Tanner, though not with Chip, but rather, Chip’s photographer:

SHAME SHAME SHAME on the PHOTOGRAPHER! DUDE! Your camera sensor is dirty – get the damn sensor cleaned! The same annoying, dirty spot has RUINED this photo shoot. Dude, you should loose your job over this, there is no excuse for laziness and dirty camera equipment when photographing such a hot model as you were lucky enough to have in front of your camera. RANDY BLUE, you’d be F*cking STUPID to use this photographer again! I’m just an f*cking amateur, but I could have done a better job…

We’ve taken a look at the photo set several times and while there’s cum spots, spots on the wall, and even some spots on Chip himself, we can’t seem to locate this “dirty spot” that rob’s talking about. Since he’s only “a f*cking amateur,” anyone should be able to look and see what he’s talking about right? But we can’t. Do we need to clean the cum out of our eyes or does rob?
But it’s not only the porn stars and their photographers who got smacked. Our QColumnist Steve Prince did too. Steve’s been going through a hard patch recently. His boyfriend broke up with him to be with Jesus. And so to feel better, Steve went out and had brunch with his friends who all gave him their advice. After reading about it, Scotlad wants to cancel his subscription because he’s had enough of Steve’s issues:

It is indeed too self indulgent and as a gay man I am offended by the vain, simple and tragic lives of these ignorant LA boys that make me feel ashamed to be gay. Steve is already moving onto his next guy on the shame day he was dumped by Peter, he has a shallow life that makes me feel people like him are a bad example to an otherwise wonderful, intriguing community. I will no longer be reading about his pathetic antics and sordid antics as there is more to life and Steve Prince deserves to be unhappy

To be fair, Steve Prince hasn’t even mentioned “moving onto the next guy” yet—he’s still grieving over his ex. However, we don’t expect every reader to agree with Steve’s every thought and action or with his friends’ either. Fans and non-fans alike might be interested to know that we’re gonna present some news about the QColumn very soon that may ratchet up your interest in Steve’s exploits. What is it? We won’t tell just yet… but it’ll be coming very, very soon!
Cristiano Ronaldo Too Photoshopped?
Lastly, we have an interesting mix of QComments where our readers criticize not only the models, but also the critics themselves. marky’s murk got a load of Cristiano Ronaldo’s Armani photo set, but he didn’t see a hot stud in briefs, he saw another athlete ruined by Armani:

this is the first step in his decline into celebrity icon status… which is how they ruined cheeky Beckham before him. He is so beautiful and authentic in life, and he looks so artificial, effeminate and staged here… and those undies are strictly for wogs….

Ronaldo definitely looks a bit Photoshopped in the series, but while he might seem more artificial on the page, we think he’ll still maintain his rugged good looks on the field (Beckham did). And talking about rugged good looks, we had a QCommenter throw in his two cents about ex-porn hottie, Simon Dexter. Simon’s apparently available for “private meetings” (which may or may not make him a call boy). Either way, Dan’s not having it:

Self-made persons don’t ask “fans” to send them money so that they can buy a Mercedes (or for any reason). Self-made persons don’t have a PayPal donation button on their websites so people can just hand them money for nothing. Nor do self-made persons have an Amazon Wish List of expensive things for people that don’t know them to buy for them. You’re questioning if there are grownups here, slick? You’re 26, a grown-ass man. Try acting like one, earn an honest paycheck and buy your own shit.

Sounds like Dan’s a disappointed fan. We’ve provided links to the items in question above. And while it may be unseemly and immature to ask for web handouts, Simon’s already had a lot of fans shell out money just to see him fuck. Plus, his current blog features Simon’s pre-worn and signed underwear on sale for $160, so we gotta assume someone’s buying.
Jason Adonis is back... again
And then come the QCommenters who hate on QCommenters for QCommenting. Each one of them is tired of the bitching! Like PornLover. He loves Jason Adonis… or at least he did, until all the haters drove Mr. Adonis crazy and forced him into retirement. Now PornLover’s pissed! And he’s coming after you haters:

I’ve always enjoyed Jason’s scenes, and I’m sorry to see him go. I wish him nothing but the best in all he does in the future. That said, I can understand why Jason didn’t like being around gay men, if that is the case. You “guys” are some of the bitchiest, most judgmental, callous, ignorant, mean-spirited people I’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting. Your lives must be very unhappy, especially sexually. You treat people like crap, then, play the “victim” and feign shock that the hot guys you’ve treated so poorly don’t want to have anything to do with you. Who can blame them? If Jason does begin a relationship with another man, you can bet the other guy won’t be any of you, nor will he be 100% gay, either. He just wasn’t into you. Get over it.:)

MEOW, PornLover! Someone’s got cat-scratch fever, and the only cure is more Jason Adonis! Well, the cure is here! PornLover may be happy to know that Mr. Adonis has returned in a scene where he fucks Landon Mycles. But that doesn’t mean that he won’t retire again… and it certainly doesn’t mean his critics are to blame. Even his old directors have described Mr. Adonis as a bit undependable, so we’ll see…
Porn performer Arpad Miklos found a supporter in QCommentor Jonathan recently; though not for his gay porn performance. You may recall that Miklos once did a “straight-for-pay” scene. Some QCommenters didn’t care, but other got all bunged up over gay identity politics. Jonathan took a stand, though not necessarily for Arpad. He just thinks any star should be able to expand their sexual repertoire without being hated on:

Sheesh, do gay guys always WHINE like this whenever someone expands their sexual repertoire in the other direction? Hypocrites. They always want hot guys to play for their team, even just for money, but, when said performer goes “the other way”, they cry ‘foul”. No wonder no one takes you guys seriously. Hot sex is hot sex, regardless of the participants. If his more deranged fans take issue with this performance, he’ll more than make up for it with a whole new legion of far more enlightened and psychologically balances-for the most part lol-bisexual (male and female) fans.

And few performers on QC get hated on more than bad daddy, Jake Cruise. When we posted a QCX feature entitled, “Five Reasons Daddies Are Baddies”, the usual haters came out and said blah, blah, blah. But we’re not the only ones who gets tired of the same old jibes. tiredofthejakehate could do without them altogether, because he says the problem isn’t Jake… it’s you:

The way people claim they can’t even stand looking at Jake Cruise is really sad. He actually is looking better than ever! He’s lost weight, has a handsome face and yes… is not 20 years old. Like this article said, YOU will that age soon enough. The comments that people leave aren’t so much hate toward Jake, as so much as they are comments about a fucked-up FEAR OF GROWING OLD. You all need to work on that or you are going to be locked up in your homes, unaware that older can be sexy as well. In other words, grow the fuck up.

And what better way to end our hater edition than with profanity? Despite all the bile and vinegar this time around, we really do love each and every one of our QCommenters and invite you to throw your lemons and sugar into the punchbowl. Whether you love or hate what’s on our pages, QC just wouldn’t be the same without them… or you!

Mar 01, 2010 By paperbagwriter 3 Comments